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March 21, 2024

Exclusive Pumping Basics And Tips For New Mothers

Exclusive Pumping Basics And Tips For New Mothers
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How We're Doing It Podcast

In this informative episode, we explored into essential breastfeeding tips and techniques. Yazmin starts by dispelling the myth that breast size affects milk production, emphasizing that successful breastfeeding is more about technique and commitment. She highlights the importance of skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth to initiate breastfeeding and explains the production of colostrum in the early days. Proper latching techniques are crucial for effective nursing, ensuring that the baby gets enough milk and the mother remains comfortable. Other valuable tips include recognizing signs of a full baby, tracking feedings using apps like Huckleberry, and understanding cluster feeding patterns. Yazmin stresses the importance of staying hydrated, maintaining a nutritious diet, and taking prenatal vitamins. She advises against giving water to newborns and explains the significance of baby's first poop, meconium. Engorgement of breasts and its treatments, as well as the need for vitamin D drops for babies, are also discussed. Yazmin's overarching belief is that a fed baby is a happy baby, and she encourages mothers to find a comfortable position, seek support from other mothers, and accept help from loved ones. Additionally, she recommends resources like The Nursing Mother's Companion book and websites such as KellyMom.Com and La Leche League for further guidance and support. 

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